jueves, 13 de julio de 2017


Chapter 16. The Attack of the Sect.

In the classroom Roy's place was empty. The girls could not concentrate on the studies because they still thought about him. Especially Beruche who remembered with nostalgia those jokes and jocular comments that she once criticized so much. Now she realized how much he really encouraged her. Thanks to her partner and his sense of humour (often nasty why not say it). She was rediscovering facets and feelings that until then she had kept buried. With that charming thug she could feel a woman for the first time. Of course not in the most physical and prosaic sense of the term, but in her attitude and sensitivity. She had never experienced similar things outside of her family. With Roy everything was new and familiar at the same time. She had cried because of him, (damn jokes at the beginning of the course, which she now evoked with a smile), she had laughed with him and even he had taken her out of her mind with his irresponsibility. Nevertheless, he had also encouraged and supported her when she had need and he did so with a sensitivity she could never suspect he had. And above all, he always respected her. Well, not at first, but in spite of all his outrages, he always knew how to make himself forgive with that bewildered expression of a mischievous boy who seemed not to be aware of the villainies he had committed. Now that she was meditating, she really realized the true scope of their conversation in that pit. Roy confessed the very essence of his interior. He was not the person that at first sight looked like. Bertie understood that, in a sense, they were both alike. They had played a role by the demands of the script that had drawn their destiny. And that boy contributed to her rediscovering her most human side. But how could she imagine that Roy's fate would be so terrible! She could at least escape from her past, his had always chased him, crouched there in a corner of his soul, waiting to take control. Bertie thought of all this and now she could only remember with impotence and infinite sadness the contracted face of her companion, his fear and his anguish to be dominated by that cruel devil. How much he had suffered, and how all his dreams must have collapsed in an instant! It was ironic, when it seemed that his greatest wishes could be met, become professional and play in one of those teams. How it hurt now to her to have mocked on occasion of "his basketball"! Too late she understood, it was not only a game for him, it was his only link to the memory of his parents, in a way it was his life and the best way out of his pain. A reminder to his family's memory like flowers on the road. And all that truncated by a fucking monster from hell! But she was not going to allow it! She could not believe the words of Armageddon. He was not Roy, he was not Roy at all. The friend who had learned to love and with whom he had shared that last year could not be a mere mask or a doll. More than ever she must have courage and strive to free him. She would not give up! Somehow they would drive that Satan out of the way, and Roy would return. The boy could go on with his life and fulfil his desires, like her, Cooan or Tom. Now, that the culmination of their dreams was within reach, they would not give in and all of them would make them true. That's how it would have to be, she thought, and that conviction helped her to be strong in class when she sat by the empty chair...

Cooan was also determined, she had regained faith in men, not all were like Rubeus, and they did not have to be. Even he himself was not always a cocky manipulator. At first he really looked like a good boy eager to serve the prince, and when they came to court and were put to his service he never treated them with disdain. It was another kid like them who had been tear apart too early from his parents to make a career. And the young woman grew and became adult with that model of person. Rubeus guided her steps and served as reference for everything. She loved him. But now, with the outlook of time gone by and her greater experience and maturity, she began to doubt it. Rei was right, that was not true love. It really was admiration. The girl always put him on a pedestal, for Cooan everything he did or said was law. Besides, Rubeus always said that they all served the prince. He always talked about the group as a collective and promised them that both they and he would get the glory and satisfaction of serving their planet. She realized that the wretch boy at the end was as much a puppet of the Sage and his intrigues as they were. Like Diamond and his brother Sapphire and even Esmeralda herself despite her haughtiness. And they did not notice until it was too late. For the Less they could rectify thanks to the sailors and they would always be grateful for it. Sapphire also understood at last and wanted to change but he could not live long enough to be able to do it, like his brother the prince. As Usagi told them, Diamond faced the Wise and died to save Sailor Moon ... And now the story seemed doomed to repeat itself. Poor Roy! Cooan liked that boy, she'd even been attracted to him since seeing him for the first time. He was crazy and shameless and charming at the same time. Very different from Rubeus and the other men she had met in Nemesis, only turned to their own ambitions, prisoners of their goals. Then, on Earth, she did not make friends since her studies and her work absorbed her and she abandoned herself to the daily routine, longing to forget her disappointment, but here, in another country, she seemed to be able to start again and her defences had fallen. She felt capable of loving, and this time in a true sense. She did not dare to say anything because she imagined him unavailable, but she had not lost the illusion until the arrival of that damned demon. Cooan could not bear that the only two men for whom she had felt anything had been possessed by evil and that both were hopelessly lost. With Rubeus she could do nothing, for she herself was corrupted and almost succumbed also to the dark side. But with Roy it was different, she had known him so cheerful and carefree, so bustling and life-loving that she could not assimilate it. Especially when the girl herself was in the mood to value all those things. No, she would not! Surely between Usagi, Rei, Ami, Tom (magnificent boy that she really appreciated) and her sister Bertie, they would free him.

Meanwhile Tom was out trying to get help for his partner, it cost him but managed to contact his mentor and he learn many things that would be useful. Even the real reason for the demonic attacks on churches was too terrible to be true! However, that made him more determined than ever. He would do anything to free his friend and avoid the sinister plan that the devils were drawing. Those bastards would not win, he was eager to go back and have retribution. Although the girl he was in love with only thought of Roy and that hurt. But there was no time to mourn the seemingly unreachable desires of his own. The most important thing was his companion and friend and the rest of the world, of course. Besides, Tom had his hopes because he doubted very much that Roy corresponded to the feelings of Connie.

 The sailors were making inquiries increasingly worrisome. Thanks to Ami's research capability and the support of Luna and Artemis. From Japan cats were also learning things, that sect was not an isolated phenomenon. And those demons intended something very concrete. The final test of these suspicions was in the systematic destruction of religious centres located on five continents. Too much for a local reach group. It was as if they were looking for something. But what? For what purpose? They had to dig a little harder to have something more solid and days went by. Beruche and Cooan could hardly join them until a short vacation arrived, as soon as the opportunity presented themselves, they went to see them at their hotel, and there they shared what they had learned.

-So, do you know who these beings are and what they pretend? - Bertie asked them expectantly. -
- We're not quite sure yet. - Ami replied - but from what we have heard in the areas where they usually move, it is a satanic sect that manipulates the people with whom it contacts.
- They are very dangerous. Rei added with deep concern. - The people in the surrounding area were very scared and the worst thing is that the police can not intervene. There is never any evidence of anything. Nobody wants to talk! And they gain fans day by day. I would say that they are infiltrated in very important power circles. As if they had remained in lethargy and waited for this precise moment to come out.
- It is true. - Ami added with obvious concern as she revealed them. - Everything points to that they prepare something serious, domination of Roy seems that would have been a previous step for something more important and not the aim. It's like we're sitting on a bomb. God knows when it will explode! ...
-This is even more tangled than we thought. - Usagi added, scratching her head thoughtfully. - Well, let's put on the TV! Even if I hardly understand it in English, it would better than not seeing anything. Besides, if we're lucky they might say something about those mysterious blasts.

Beruche and Cooan had heard something about it, but they did not relate it to the demons or the Sect. They had been focused solely on the university and their own thoughts, they did not believe that the thing would get so much diffusion. But they remembered the words of Valnak and Armageddon, "to dominate the world". That made sense, but how? Destroying churches? This was absurd, though perhaps the warriors had some explanation.

-Where's the remote control? - Usagi wanted to know. -
-You're sitting on top of it. - Ami sighed patiently. -
-What a fool! Hahaha! Silly me. - Her companion laughed, putting her hand to her neck.-
-Of course, always the same old Usagi! - Rei whispered to Cooan – These rooms costed us a fortune and that silly will be able to break something before we leave.
- Now that you say it, that is true. How much do you have to pay? ... - Bertie wanted to know with restlessness and some sense of guilt. - Can we help you? ...

But before her friends could reply to that, Usagi finally connected the television with the remote control. They were just giving news and the voice "off" the speaker commented on the image of a plot burned in these terms.

- “And this is another of the cathedrals that has been completely ruined. This time in Cape Town, South Africa. With this already four go in less than three weeks, joining to Sydney, London and Madrid. Interpol has reason to think that they could be fundamentalist attacks that "...

            Rei disconnected the device with a tired expression, it was clear that these people had no idea about what they said...

- Again! - Cooan commented with resignation - and the causes are never known, but I feel that those diabolical beings are behind this. Just as you think.
- But we lack the motive, the purpose. - Ami objected with a tone of uneasiness. - We must discover it to know what they play. Otherwise we're going to be blindfolded.
- Yes - Agreed Beruche. - The destruction of some religious monuments does not make sense. There must be something else.
- Maybe those places hide something that interests them to possess or to neutralize. Same as the point crystals that we came to destroy. - Her sister guessed. -

            They all looked at her with initial surprise and later complicity of thought that. Of course, that could be a possibility, in fact it was the most logical explanation. But they still did not know what it might be about...

            Supporting the suspicions of Cooan, on the other side of the world, Valnak and Armageddon flied above the ruins of the city, outside the scope of the cameras. They had easily eliminated all who tried to oppose them. In the end there was only a small part of the church standing. Armageddon raised an arm and pointing the palm of his hand toward her threw a beam of energy that destroyed it to its foundations. Between the ruins a spot of light could be seen.

-We already have the fourth of the five stones. - His companion smiled, his face very pleased. Pointing to his target with the gesture of a hand made her levitate to him by haranguing. – We better don´t waste time and let's go for the last!
- Yes, and by the indications of the Sage, I think I know where it is. - Armageddon smiled. -
- If our enemies are really clever, they may find out too. - Objected his interlocutor.-
- I hope so, it would give me great pleasure to liquidate them after recovering the fifth stone. - said his comrade without hiding a wide smile of joy. - It will be the perfect brooch...

            Valnak also nodded with genuine enthusiasm.

- It shall be as you say. – He said. - Now we must take care of other matters...

            And they both disappeared from there. In the city, with the return of Armageddon, the sectarians became wild. The day after this last attack and following orders they caused numerous altercations in the streets. The city entered an escalation of violence that forced to declare martial law. On campus, classes had to be suspended. Beruche and Cooan, with the few reserves of the remaining scholarship, took an apartment in the city to watch more closely the movements of the sect. Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the city, fans from all over the country concentrated, ready to take the city. The demons floated on them and Armageddon harangued them.

-Hear me, hear me! - He shouted exultantly over the crowd. - You must destroy everything!  Leave no stone on stone, and slay all who stand in your way. - They all jelled at him, but Armageddon was silent, stretching out his arms and proceeding with a softer tone. - Dear followers. Remember the great promise. Soon a new era will begin, ours! The realm of fear and darkness. At least for our enemies. On the contrary to you, the Master will come and reward you. Did you hear me? ...
-We hear and obey you, we hear and obey you, master! - All shouted in chorus completely delivered to the speech.-
-And we will conduct an attack as never seen for the greater glory of our kingdom! - Armageddon stated. -

            His companion, smirking, approached the speaker's back to whisper to him...

- We should go get the last of the stones. Leave this to the slaves, they also deserve a little fun. And they are still useful...
-Yes, you're right - agreed Armageddon, smiling amusedly. - We must satisfy them, for the moment...

            Without further ado the two disappeared from the place leaving their fanatical worshipers who dispersed ready to begin their task. Meanwhile, after hours of research and effort, Ami discovered on her computer that the last stone the cult had coveted was under the basements of a Manhattan church.

- We should go there right away! - Said Rei imperiously. - They must not take her.
- I think I know the area. - Bertie said inquiring her sister. - Was not there where we were visiting with the boys?
- Yes. - She agreed that she still remembered it, and she added. - The same church in which Roy made her communion, according to the Catholic rite I believe.
- I know the rite. - Rei revealed them adding. - I studied in a catholic school. Maybe they are not so powerful there.
- Go ahead then! - Usagi declared with a firmness and determination that reserved for very important occasions. - We do not have a minute to lose.

They all nodded decisively toward the sisters, but as they reached the door of the church, everything seemed calm. Fortunately this one was closed because it was almost dawn and no one was around. Only the diffused light of the streetlamps illuminated the place before the sun came out, for which there were still a few minutes left. Although Valnak and Armageddon advanced to the sun and appeared levitating in the air, interposing in the way of the girls.

-Oh, what a pleasant surprise! - Valnak exclaimed with amused rictus addressing to Beruche and Cooan with crossed arms. - And I see you brought company. - He turned his gaze to the other girls who watched him with hostility on their faces. The devil added contemptuously and sarcastically. - But I do not think it works for you. Although, cheer yourself up warriors!  Now you can see how we execute the plans of our powerful master. - Having said that, he prepared to destroy the church by raising his right arm. -
-Stop there! - Cried Usagi in a strong voice. - How dare you to try to attack a sacred place? This church is a prayer centre for the inhabitants of this city and a national monument. It has cost a lot of money to rehabilitate it and there are no more churches in several blocks. I will not tolerate that you attack with impunity against art and...
- Won´t you to shut up not even under the water, girl? - Armageddon cut her with tone even funny. -
- Do not interrupt a girl when she's talking. It is very rude! - Usagi replied that she remained thoughtful trying to remember what she was going to say. -
- The truth. - Rei whispered to Ami so that her companion and the others could hear her. - That guy would be an evil devil and everything you want, but in that I have to admit that he is absolutely right. Usagi speaks too much.
- Yes it's correct. - Ami answered loudly without thinking. -
-But can you tell me whose side you are? - She replied, turning to them angrily, her arms in hips. -
-Are you going to take much longer? - Valnak inquired impatiently, - Or can we liquidate you already? You're making us waste your time on your nonsense.
-I'll finish it, wait a little. - Usagi replied, waving her hands patiently, and finally resuming the thread of her disquisition. - I was saying that I will not allow you to destroy a work of art. And for love and Justice I...
- Wait a minute Usagi. - Ami stiffened, interrupting her speech. - Are not you forgetting something?
-What? What is it now? - She asked, red faced with annoyance at the new interference. -
-Should not you be transformed into Sailor Moon before? - Beruche interjected timidly. -

            Everyone looked at each other in amazement, even the demons. Armageddon smiled maliciously, shaking his head. And the attention of the present returned to Usagi who, red, (but now of shame), admitted her carelessness by taking a hand to her neck.

- Sure, ha, ha, ha! ...what a mistake I have made, right? What a fool! Do not take it into account, huh?

            Meanwhile, Rei, Ami and the two sisters were putting their hands to the head hoping that the earth swallowed them...

- This is incredible! - Valnak could say with a bored tone and countenance. - You are painful, you do not even deserve to face us, I will eliminate you already.
- Wait. - Armageddon asked with surprising good mood. - I'm having a good time. Let them finish, we have all the time in the world. And it would not be the same. I want to have the satisfaction of eliminating the famous Moon Warrior and the others in person. Little by little. Let them see that all their efforts to stop us are useless.
"If it's your taste," Valnak said resignedly. "Come on, stupid!" He said to Usagi in a guttural voice that rumbled through the area. - Hurry up!, I'm running out of patience, I have more important things to do.

            This time Ami, Usagi and Rei more serious, were not made of beg and took the opportunity to say their phrases of transformation. After a few seconds and after an exhibition of lights and turns on themselves, they completed and appeared as warriors facing the demons.

"Well," said Armageddon, "so it was true after all, you are the famous Warriors of Justice!"
- Exactly. Usagi replied in a defiant gesture, arms in jars and haughty look, resorting to his native Japanese and exhibiting his characteristic pose. -Watashi wa bishojo senshi Sera Moon des! "Tsuki ni kawatte osokio"!
- In the name of Luna, I will punish you. Armageddon smiled, translating that last sentence and adding to the surprise of his opponents, especially Beruche, who felt a faint glimmer of hope. - I remember that. Although I do not know when.
"In the name of Mars you will pay your wickedness!" - Rei added now in English, adopting his attack pose.-
- And in the name of Mercury we will defeat you! - Ami affirmed in the same language, preparing itself in turn.
"No more nonsense!" - Armageddon nodded apologetically, projecting a beam of energy into the position of his enemies, caused an explosion that dispersed them. -

            Bertie and Cooan rushed to help the warriors on the ground after launching in different directions to avoid this first attack. Once recovered the sailors asked the two to stand apart. Valnak looked at them and said them in surprise and without hiding their disdain.

"So you were the ones who had frustrated our plans before." I have to admit I do not understand. But of course you will not be so lucky now. He turned to his companion, disregarding the warriors who had been on guard again, and told him indifferently. "Kill them, I'm going for the stone, or do you think you're going to need my help?" She snapped. -
"It's a joke, is not it?" Armageddon mocked. "Do not make me laugh, Valnak!" , With those three I do not even have to start.
-We'll see that! Rei snapped, then whispered to her companions. - We must attack all at once or else we will have very difficult, have much power. Come on girls, come on! - Arengó taking the initiative. - Burning Mandala! He yelled, launching his attack. -
"Freeze!" Ami shrieked in turn, invoking hers. -
"Heart Heart, Rainbow Attack!" Added Usagi to complete the barrage. -

            The three attacks merged in the air toward Armageddon, which, with a contemptuous glance toward them, did not move from its position.

"That's not worth it or dodging!" He shouted at the same time that he concentrated power shining red. -

            When the combined power of the warriors came to him he crashed harmlessly into the energy field created by the demon.

"Destroyer ray!" - Rei invoked another new attack, but his rival disappeared from his sight before he could reach it. "Where is it?" She asked confused, looking in all directions. –
However his enemy appeared behind him making fun of her with loud laughter. Usagi and Ami attacked him again but he dodged every attempt to catch up with him.

"Please, Roy!" Shouted Beruche, clasping his hands in a pleading manner. - Come back to you, you must fight the evil that dominates you! I know you're still there!
Stop calling me that! The demon replied dryly, "I am Armageddon."
-Spiral Heart Moon attack! Cried Usagi throwing one of his best mantras to the demon, which received a direct hit.

Mars and Cooan seconded her by casting two magical amulets at the demon, but Armageddon concentrated energy and emerged unscathed from the attack by destroying those papers that burned instantly.

"Is that all you know how to do?" The demon screamed mockingly. What a disappointment! He expected a more entertaining fight.
- There is nothing to do, it is very strong, too much for us alone. - Bertie recognized hopelessly. -
"Let's not get discouraged so soon! There's something we can do. But never think for a moment to abandon. - Ami retorted trying to raise the morale to his compañera.-

She, regretting her comment, nodded, concentrating again to find some solution.

"Yes, of course you can do something," Armageddon satirically answered. "You can die!" He said with amusement.

            And then it emitted a powerful aura that destroyed all the surrounding elements throwing the warriors and the girls against the ground.

"Come on, give 'em hard! - Valnak enthusiastically encouraged him - show them to those useless as you fight! - And by way of shot, he threw a bolt at the church and reduced it to rubble. -

            Then he descended to earth, taking the last of the stones that had been visible among the ruins, shining with a milky color. Laughing pleased, he headed for Armageddon.

- I leave you in charge of finishing with them, I am going to take the stone to the Wise. Finish as soon as possible and meet me at the base.
- As you order future Commander Valnak. - Armageddon replied that he greeted him with a slight bow adding. "I see you with a pentacle in your armor," he said, referring to the badge of the possessors of such rank. -

            His comrade welcomed the comment with a smile of satisfaction and disappeared. His companion also smiled as he turned to the warriors and declared with mock consternation.

- I'm sorry, but now I have to break up with you. I confess that I have not laughed so long, but I beg you to understand, I have urgent business to attend to.
-Please! Cooan begged her with desperate rictus. - Roy, come back to you, do not let yourself be dominated.
"How heavy you are!" - Armageddon replied this time irritated, to sentence - but I will silence you forever!
Taking advantage of all that chaos Beruche while he had gotten into the ruins of the church without being seen. Realizing the remains of the baptismal font he had an idea. He crept up and picked up some holy water. He put it in his compact and threw it at Armageddon, who, not knowing what it contained, did not bother to dodge it. When he collided with it, the box broke, releasing its contents and burning the demon to the contact with the water, it screamed of pain falling of knees to the ground. Usagi threw his tiara to finish knocking him down with the luck that his enemy fell on a wooden cross that lay there and miraculously unscathed. Armageddon began to shiver, suffering spasms, seemed to convulse to contact with that sacred object.

"We must seize the occasion!" Now or never Cooan, with all we have! "Cried Rei throwing one of his paper amulets. - Evil spirit stay nailed to that cross!

 The questioner also threw another amulet with a gesture of supplication, hoping fervently that it would work. The demon through the joint action of Rei, Cooan and the power of the Christian symbol was unable to rise, even began to burn and howl with pain. It seemed that this conjunction of sacred elements would destroy him. Desperate he had only one way out, and from Roy's body came a dense black mist that materialized into a monstrous being, whose only vision shook with terror and disgust at all. That was the real Armageddon, with viper's head, huge bat wings and bipedal hairy body. He looked like a fallen angel, out of the Avernus, as he really was. They all gave a grin of disgust at the sight. Roy was now unconscious on the floor, the demon was moving away from him as he inched forward toward the warriors. In his anger he did not notice that Beruche and Cooan approached by his back towards the body of the human that had been his vehicle trying to reanimate to him.

- Now you will all die! Armageddon hissed, throwing out the energy rays that scattered the warriors. They did all kinds of somersaults and pranks to dodge them with great effort. -
- This will revive you. Sure, it's holy water. Whispered Beruche in Roy's ear as he laid his head on her lap and with all the softness he was able to parted his lips giving him a sip. - Make an effort, you have to endure ...

For the first moment nothing happened and the faces of both girls were the mirror of desolation, but then the boy's eyes seemed to flutter under his eyelids and he opened them, surprisingly began to move and woke up even though he was very weak.

"What joy! Exclaimed Cooan, sobbing in excitement. - You're back! You're finally back with us!
-What happened? He stammered, still very stunned. "I do not remember anything," and putting his hands to his temples, he whispered a pitiful moan. - My head bursts! Everything is spinning me. Where I am?...

            The demon meanwhile had thrown the warriors against a wall, leaving them badly wounded. He was about to finish them off, when, attracted by the sisters' exclamations of joy, he turned his terrible face towards the girls and observed what had happened. Changing direction he chose to leave the battered sailors for later.

"I can not believe it! So you've awakened." Then I can no longer use you as a vessel, nor dominate your body. Dammit! He hissed with disgust and great irritation. -

            Beruche and Cooan stood valiantly in their path, Roy was in a very precarious state and could not stand an attack. Both knew that nothing could cope To that beast but would try anything. Bertie picked up a stick from the ground and Cooan aimed his enemy with new holy papers. But the demon seemed not to pay attention, it would seem that in his obsession he had only one objective. Beruche tried to hit him and his sister launched his attack without being able to affect him. Armageddon broke the stick with one of its claws and with the other it detached itself from the paper, pushing away from each other with their wings both girls who fell to the ground impotent. The demon reached its prey and drew the grin of a terrible smile in its jaws when, catching Roy by the neck, it raised to him vile affirming furious ...

- You're no good for me anymore. What's more, you're a danger now! I'll kill you right now! - He stated raising his other paw toward him. - I will not let you keep hindering us.

            Mars, realizing what was happening, retracted enough to launch an attack that combined with an anti-demon spell.

Fire to the Heart! - He exclaimed and his lightning struck the enemy's back and let him release Roy that fell like a bundle collapsing on the ground. -
-Rapsodia of Water! - Seconded Ami joining to his companion and attacking, leaving frozen the momentary to the demon. -
"Eternal Moon give me the power!" - invoked Usagi appealing to all his forces to become Eternal Super Warrior Luna.-

            Armageddon was thawed immediately by the heat of its tremendous energy, but Cooan and Beruche threw all the holy water that was left between the remains of the baptismal font. His adversary cried out in pain at the contact with her and was very battered but still he stirred with hate to attack them.

"I'm going to devour them alive!" He howled in anger.

 Usagi then intervened throwing against him his "Raimbow Attack" that crossed to Armageddon. Eternal Super Warrior Luna returned in a few moments to his normal sailor state prey to exhaustion. She was very weak even to stand. Armageddon laughed with an insane hiss and stumbled toward them, dragging their paws. But full of a terrible determination.

"You are now lost damn!" I will tear you up and eat your entrails! He threatened with his eyes twinkling with a sinister blood color. -
-Oh no! , What are we going to do now! - Ami exclaimed terrified and unable to rise to counterattack. -
- I do not have the strength. - Rei also recognized that he struggled to get up without wanting to resign himself to what seemed a certain death.-
"You're going to die!" - The demon assured them with shrill shrieks as he prepared to strike the helpless Usagi in the first place. - You before anything ...

            But in the middle of raising one of his claws in the form of a fist he stopped and howled in pain looking at his chest in disbelief and astonishment. A stake protruded through him from behind. It was Roy who had attacked him using the remains of the wooden altar of the church as a weapon and had nailed it, furiously removing it, concentrating its meager forces.

"Go to hell, bastard!" - Tsuki no kawatte osokio! I hope I said well. He spat furiously at the boy, letting himself go backward to fall to the ground and roll away from his reach. -
- Nooooo! Cried Armageddon, who, after convulsing, burst into dozens of pieces, which soon disintegrated in flames. –
They were all perplexed with their gaze on the explosion and finally reacted with shouts of joy, they could already breathe in relief. The same as Roy, though he could not stand up. He was helped and held by Beruche and Cooan to prevent him from completely collapsing from exhaustion, while Ami and Rei helped to rise to a wobbly Usagi.

"How are you feeling, Roy?" Bertie asked with concern in her voice, but full of joy. -
- I'm very tired but I'm fine, thank you cubito. He smiled faintly. -
- Let's go home. - Cooan suggested to them also full of happiness.

            The girls and their warrior friends, once reversed their transformations, took the boy to an apartment that he had in the city. It cost them to do it since the boy was very heavy. At last they managed to accommodate him and they tried to rest a little in turn. Meanwhile, at the seat of the sect, the news of the destruction of Armageddon came as a blow. Among the masters, disbelief gave way to demoralization. This was his most decisive weapon and he had been defeated. The Great Sage, on the other hand, did not seem to be affected by this, but the one who was trembling with rage was Valnak, who, very furious, spat uncontrollably between curses of hell ...

"Damn warriors, damn traitors and damn Roy Malden!" I swear by the avenge that I will take revenge on all of you! I will kill you with terrible sufferings! "He shouted with a fist. -
"Calm down, Valnak! , - intervened the Great Sage with abrupt tone of command alleging next. Armageddon was only one more piece in our plan. Valuable but not essential and knew what was exposed. The main thing is that we now have the five stones.
"It's easy for you to think that way, but Armageddon was much more than my comrade!" Valnak was beside himself. - I swear that I will take revenge on those who have destroyed him and in the way that hurts them most, whether it suits you or not!

            No one answered her outburst, and the devil was silent, ruminating his anger and preparing his revenge ....

            At that moment Ami, Rei, and Usagi with Beruche and Cooan tried to find out by all sorts of calculations where these stones would be. At the moment they did not get anything positive in that aspect but they were very happy. The reason for their joy in the meantime, was sleeping in the adjoining room, prey to exhaustion.

"Now that we've got Roy back, I'm sure we'll win!" - declared Beruche without being able to contain his enthusiasm. -
"We'll put our whole heart into it," Cooan added decisively. - We'll fight to the end!
- I'm proud to hear you talk like that. Usagi applauded, looking pleased, though objecting to something more distressed. - I must return to Tokyo, Luna called me, my presence is necessary there. But Ami and Rei can stay with you for now, they will help you. Anyway, if you need me and the others, call us right away. We will try to get there as soon as possible.
"Be calm," replied Beruche. -
"Yes, we will not make it easy," Rei added with a wink. -
"I trust that." In addition, I have finished the money.- Smiled tremulously his interlocutora.-
"Look, I told you. You should have brought more ... "Ami said.
"It was quite difficult to get my savings and make my parents believe that it was an exchange trip." Usagi replied.
-At least, you have not done bad to improve your English.- He smiled a little Rei .-
"Look, you're right," his friend conceded.
"You can always learn," Ami said with satisfaction. "Even at times like this. Perhaps especially in this type of situations.
They all agreed when they heard the sound of a few steps. As they looked in that direction, they smiled, their faces illuminated with joy. It was Roy who had barely got up and walked out of the room toward them. Cooan and Bertie stood in unison to make him sit on a nearby sofa.

- You did not have to get up so early. - Cooan gently scolded him.-
- It is true, you have to rest. - Added Beruche with a half smile.
- I wanted to thank you for everything. - He answered in a weak voice but charged with emotion. - Thank you very much !, and you too. - He added in allusion to the three girls who watched him sitting.
"Roy," Bertie said, taking charge of the introductions. - These are our friends. Usagi Tsukino, Rei Hino and Ami Mizuno. They have come from Japan to help us liberate you and defeat the dark powers.
- Nice to meet you. - He smiled asking his mate. - How do you say that in Japanese, cubito?

            Beruche whispered in his ear and he tried to repeat it with a slight nod, as he had seen in the films, causing slight smiles between his interlocutors. At once they all returned the gesture nodding their heads. It was Ami who asked him in an extremely courteous tone and good English.

-How you feel?
- I've been worse after some of my drunkenness. - He asserted leaving them stunned but both Cooan and Beruche after translating that laughed and Roy added with a tone between curious and full of admiration. - So you are the famous warriors of justice!

            The three of them looked at each other in an accomplice and were informed by their friends of what they had been told, they decided to nod, there was no point in trying to hide it, they felt that they could trust that boy.

"Bertie and Connie have told me a lot about you," he continued. "You," he pointed out to Ami, "you are Mercury, Bertie's friend.
- Yes, it's me. - The girl smiled shyly with a good command of English. -
- And you're Sailor Mars. Connie's friend. - Roy said in the direction of this one.
- Haunted. - answered the mentioned one adding with sympathy and certain problems to use that language strange for her. "The girls also told us a lot about you and your friend Tom.

            The boy nodded and then remembered his partner.

"Where's Tommy?" It's okay, right? "He inquired of the girls in an uneasy tone. -
- Yes do not worry. He went to get help. Cooan replied with a reassuring tint in his voice. -
- He'll be back soon. - He agreed Beruche wishing it were so. -
"You're sure to come with a Kansas cavalry squad!" Roy joked now, and they all smiled, happy that it made them look so good-humored. Although he had not yet completed his greetings and added this time to Usagi, sentencing. - And if I'm not mistaken, you're the famous Sailor Moon. - The one that says that about tsuki or ... I do not remember anymore. - He smiled while Beruche, also amused, completed the sentence. - By the way. What's with Sailor? Do you have a boat? Or are you from the Marines? "He smiled wider.
Beruche brushed him affectionately with a capon at the same time that he said amused, while Ami translated it to the interested one.

"It's a very bad joke.
-Not this time. The boy could say.

And it really did not understand, especially when Usagi repeated.

-Watashi wa bishojo senshi Sera Mun
"I did not understand anything. - He could reply. -
"I'm the beautiful Sailor Moon warrior," Ami translated, laughing to add. - Sorry, your pronunciation of English is not very good.

            With a malicious expression, the Warrior Mars commented on her companion in her own language.

-Yes. There's no one to understand you, no wonder you get such bad grades ...
"Do not start Rei ..." She said something annoying when she repeated. - I am Sera Mun.
"What?" Cried Roy, who seemed to make a sincere effort to understand something. - It will be? You mean Sailor. Do not? Because English I know. I was born in Los Angeles and grew up in Brooklyn, but I have not heard anything.
"That's it." Usagi stated, folding his arms to nod in relief. -
"I think the name has to do with your uniform." Is not that right? "Cooan said, who had not even considered that before. -
"That's right," Rei said to explain. "The uniform we have reminds us a little of the sailors.
-Usa-chan. It's a shame that you can not stay longer to practice English for some extra days. Ami sighed, adding to everyone's astonishment. - It would suit you very well for your studies.

And once they recovered from that comment Usagi herself took the most serious word and asserted.

- That's ... I would like ...

Then, trying to find the words in English to claim, he wanted to add something. But, given her lack of vocabulary, she sighed resignedly, causing the laughter of her fellow warriors.

"This reminds me of the party I went with Mamoru, but in English. Don't worry, or was it not curry?

And defeated, the young woman went to Beruche with a blush and asked her to translate it, then replying in her native language.

"It's a pleasure for me to meet you, but I'm very sorry to have to return to my country. We have other enemies to fight there.

            Bertie repeated it in English, so that his companion smiled and responded in turn winking at him.

- I hope you'll kick their asses on my behalf. Whoever these jerks were. Like my childhood hero used to said. What are you gonna do when Sailor Moon kick your ass, running wild and punish you in the name of the Moon, brother?
To what it was this time Cooan that translated funny and more or less adapted.

-Give a good kick in the ass on me! To whoever they want to be. As my childhood hero said ... I do not know. - interrupted amused to try to remember and finish saying to her interlocutor in Japanese .- What will you do when Sailor Moon kicks your ass wildly, and punish you in the name of Luna, brother ?, ha ha ! ...

            Usagi nodded amused at the expression, once she heard the translation, sketching an irrepressible smile. The boy, who seemed more lively now, took a videotape from a closet and put it into the player, after connecting the television, he indicated fun ...

"I mean this guy ..."

            They all watched the TV screen, which featured a strange, muscular man, blond and with a large mustache, in the middle of the ring of a large sports hall. He made some rather odd poses, putting a hand to his ear and crouching to one side in order to listen to the crowd around him, then seeing scenes of how he distributed all kinds of blows to other fighters. And that seemed to invigorate Roy, who did not stop saying.

"Look what a blow he's given to that ... And that key? ... Take suples! ...

And then with the invaluable collaboration of Usagi who seemed to follow that very entertaining, and to amazement accompanied by the shame of others, began to emulate those poses of bodybuilder that his wrestling idol displayed ...

-Is incredible. You did not exaggerate anything. Usagi and he are such for what! What I would give because others could see them. - He could whisper a funny Rei to his friend Cooan who did not stop laughing like the others, witnessing such a spectacle .- You will not believe it when we tell it ... ha ha ...

Of course, the others laughed at the sight of those two. Especially considering how small and thin the girl was compared to that boy when he imitated his poses and movements. Especially when they made the theatrical gesture of ripping the T-shirt, as did that guy literally with his own. Bertie, meanwhile, shook her head with a faint smile of disbelief. However he was very happy to see his friend so happy and excited ... chanting part of the lyrics of the song that was heard in the background ... and the truth is that it seemed that it had been written for him ...

- "I got something deep inside of me.
-And courage is the thing that keeps us free.
-I am a real American ... Fight for the rights of every man ...
- I am a real American Fight for what's right ... fight for your life!
-Well you hurt my friends, and you hurt my pride,
-I'm gotta be a man, I can't let it slide "...

The others agreed on that thought when their two friends translated it.

"I have something deep inside me.
"And courage is what keeps us free."
"I'm a real American." I fight for what is good,
"I'm a real American." I fight for your life
-Well, if you hurt my friends and you hurt my pride
"I'm going to be a man, I can not let it pass."

            Even Ami smiled moving to the rhythm of that music, just like Rei was having a wonderful time. Although finally the boy, visibly exhausted, sat down ... not without first sentence with a mixture of determination and nostalgia.

"Oh! As I remember the times my father took me to see him fight. He fought without stopping and never giving up. From now on that's what I'll do ... against those damn demons ... As soon as I recover enough I'm going to kick your miserable asses!

After that, the two sisters persuaded the boy to go to rest, promising that they will tell him what happened when he woke up. Roy allowed himself to be taken care of and lay down, falling immediately. The warriors, not wanting to bother more, left, making sure to see them again. The girls stayed for the night in the other room of the apartment, they wanted to watch to make sure that their friend recovered well.

"Thank you very much for your help," Bertie told her friends as they left.
-You're welcome. Take good care of him. Ami replied as both she and her companions said goodbye with a slight inclination that was immediately responded by the sisters.
-See you tomorrow. Rest-King wanted them.
"Sleep well, girls," Usagi snapped.

When they went out into the street back to their hotel, the three sailors were chatting. It was Usagi herself who commented, still funny.

"He's a great guy!" I really like…
"Yes, he's a fine boy." Ami agreed.
"You certainly had a good time with him." Look how I'm used to seeing how you do nonsense, but like today! ... - Rei smiled, adding however now with a sigh. - But this time I'm right. He's a great guy. I hope you can recover soon.
"I hope so!" "He's a very important person. Something tells me that he is called to do great things. Usagi commented, now with total seriousness.-

            Her companions looked at each other and then looked at her, demanding clarification. But this did not happen, it was Rei who, sighing again, sentenced ...

-I understand. You can not tell us more ...

            And after receiving the assent of her friend for all reply, the three asked for a taxi to return to their hotel. Usagi did tell them.

"As I have already mentioned, I shall return to Japan. Luna has also told me that they have finally discovered the headquarters of the enemy there. Between Makoto, Minako, Mamoru, the warriors of the Outer Solar System and myself, we can destroy them.
-I do not like the idea of ​​not being able to go to help you .- Opus Rei .-
-I know. Although here you will miss, girls. "Replied his interlocutor.
-You're right, but we have always been united in the fight.- Tercio Ami.- We know how to leave you alone.
"On this occasion the important battle will be here." Guerrero Luna commented. "Do not lose sight of the sisters or this boy. Protect them, help them as much as you can, but remember. First of all it is their struggle. It is they who must win it.
"We'll do our best. But do not ask us to step aside if the girls are in danger, please! Rei pleaded with visible fear.
"If that time comes, you can help." But remember what I explained. "Usagi asked in resigned tone." There are certain limits that we are not allowed to cross.

Her companions nodded, understanding the message perfectly. At last the taxi arrived and they boarded it course to his hotel, still with many things to prepare ...

 That was a couple of days. After plotting, and Rei and Ami consolidating their positions, Usagi returned to Japan. Fortunately the next week passed without a hitch and the girls brought up a recovered Roy of everything that had happened since he was dominated by that demon. He, desolate, could only regret all the damage and problems he had caused but they convinced him that it was not his fault. What affirmed his companion and friend is that he would surrender in body and soul to the fight against the enemy, something that also subscribed the girls seconded by his friendly warriors. The victory over Armageddon had filled them with optimism and hope. But the war was far from over and they knew it. So, Beruche, Cooan, Roy, Ami and Rei, along with Tom, who was about to return, should prepare for even more difficult and dangerous challenges. Terrible situations that were still very far from being able to imagine ...

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